Your quickstart to C++ projects
With a single command, Go C++ sets up:
- A CMake-based C++ project
- Package management using CPM
- Formatting using clang-format
- Compile-time checks using Cppcheck and clang-tidy
- Code-hardening flags enabled, as recommended by the OpenSSF
- Flags that enable runtime memory error detection using AddressSanitizer
The generated project is cross-platform and uses a modern C++ standard.
Linux (apt)
Linux (dnf)
Windows cmd >
curl.exe -s https://gocpp.dev/new | python
winget install -e --id Git.Git
Visual Studio
winget install --id Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.Community --override "--add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop;includeRecommended --focusedUi --wait"
Or via visualstudio.com.
Bash >
python3 -c "$(curl https://gocpp.dev/new)"
Development tools:
Bash >
sudo apt install git cmake ninja-build build-essential pkg-config clang-format clang-tidy clang-tools
Bash >
python3 -c "$(curl https://gocpp.dev/new)"
Development tools:
Bash >
sudo dnf install git cmake ninja-build gcc-c++ pkg-config clang-tools-extra cppcheck
Learning Resources
If you’re a beginner and want to learn C++, a recommended resource is learncpp.com.
A good C++ standard library reference is available at cppreference.com.
The C++ Weekly video series by Jason Turner offers interesting insights into various C++ features.
The script’s source code is available here.
If you’ve encountered an issue or have suggestions and feedback, feel free to contact me.